The “Duke” Wheel Corral

Pull this corral at highway speeds!
The corral features a large catch pen on one side and “bud box’ or smaller pen on the other. When loading or processing; the sheeted gate helps direct the flow of cattle down the alley way. The alley has two 4’ cut gates and two palpation or access gates on the end. The heavy duty frame work makes up the alley for a more rigid and longer lasting corral. The wheeled panels ride on platforms of the frame to protect the wheels and tires from damage when going through driveways, fields, and dips. The corral is equipped with one large cylinder on the front to raise and lower the frame. It can be purchased with a 12V electric over hydraulic power unit and solar charger or a hydraulic only unit that can be used with a bale bed, tractor, or auxiliary power unit. It features an adjustable hitch with a 2-5/16” ball mount. The corral weighs 8200 pounds.
- Heavy construction
- Electric with solar charge or hydraulic
- One cylinder instead of 2 for less maintenance
- Cut out gates in alley
- Adjustable hitch
- Pads for wheels to rest
- “Bud Box” for easy flow to the alley
- Access or palpation gates in alley